If you have residents that have high blood pressure or suffer from insomnia then keeping an aquarium may be good therapy for them and for your facility.
Researchers have compared the effects of hypnosis vs. an aquarium, fishless vs. fish-filled aquariums, and no aquarium vs. having an aquarium within an aged care facility and discovered the following.
Interestingly enough, a greater reduction in blood pressure occurred when there were fish in the tank, vs pleasingly decorated, fishless, tank the elderly who were provided with an aquarium filled with fish had significant blood pressure reduction as well.
Studies have also shown that seniors who have Alzheimer’s experience a variety of health benefits from watching an aquarium. These patients also ate more and required fewer supplements after an aquarium was placed in the dining room. They also exhibited less physically aggressive behaviors.
Any aquarium large to small will have a benefit. A large aquarium is great, but if space is limited, a mini-aquarium will do the same trick!